Horizontal Navbar with Icons and Semi-Transparency

A navigation bar with icons is a common design paradigm seen in many websites and web applications, especially those that are corporate or commercial. It is a horizontal navigation bar (especially common on the top of the website), with icons for each page of the site. When the mouse cursor hovers over an item, it becomes an active link, leading to the content associated with that page.

This navigation bar is designed to implement a very common style of website navigation with icons. This menu is built to be simple and lightweight, so your website text can shine through the sub-navigation lists. The corners are rounded.

Make it Easy

The Menu Generator online application does not require any special skills in programming or design, so you can make such a menu in just 5 minutes. The menu structure consists of 3 levels of hierarchy. The built-in collection is used to add icons to the menu items. The "Submenus opacity" option sets the transparency level in percent for sub-navigation menus.

For more details, read this blog post: How To Create Menu With Icons

How to Make Horizontal Navbar with Icons and Semi-Transparency

“I used this Dropdown Menu for my website and I was amazed at how easy it was to create. I give it 5 stars. Thank you to your whole team for such great work and your continued support to help me get all issues fixed. I will be forever grateful. 5 Stars and Two Thumbs Up.” - Fred Ellis, The Blue Paint.
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