What's New - April 25, 2018

  • HTML elements

    Menu elements can now be of five types: Links, Headers, Separators, Images, and HTML elements.

    The HTML element is the most versatile element in Menu Generator. It can include custom HTML code, icon and link (URL) to the web page or document.

  • Blog post: How to Add Search Box to Navigation Menu Bar

    It is no secret that the menu is the most convenient, simple and fast way to navigate. Also, existing research shows that most people look for a search box even if a website consists of only a few pages. That's why a combination of navigation menu and search input field is so important to the success of your website.

    How to Add Search Box to Navigation Menu Bar


    • Add New HTML Element
    • Style Your Search Box
    • Set the Location
    • Further improvements

    Read More: https://www.dropdownmenugenerator.com/blog/search-bar.aspx

  • Live Demo: Menu Bar with Search Box

    This example shows the navigation menu with the search box on the right side of the menu bar.
    To provide a better user experience, the search box has a dropdown menu with relevant links.

    Live Demo: https://www.dropdownmenugenerator.com/demos/searchbox/index.htm

  • Instant Menu Wizard

    This new tool crawls your website, extracts the links and automatically creates a menu structure.

  • Updated JavaScript method: dm.ApplyCSS(MenuName, ClassCSS, Submenus);

    Menu Generator gives you a wide variety of ways to customize the appearance of your menu. An additional level of customization can be reached using CSS code. To apply a custom CSS class to the menu, just run the "dm.ApplyCSS(...);" JavaScript method.

    This method now includes the third parameter 'Submenus'. If it is specified, the custom CSS class is applied to the Submenus. If the third parameter is empty, the custom CSS class is applied to the menu bar.

  • Interface improvements and bug fixes

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